I'm kinda new to this blog thing, so I guess introductions are in order. My name is Angron Vail and I am a capsuler, I fly with the Black Rebel Rifter Club in EVE online. I am Also a Diwty Piwate. That last part is not really true. Not really. I cant classify myself at the moment. Sure, You can consider me a pirate or a PVPer both of which I do but I am not. I may be just an indiscriminate killer that prays on the weak and wounded of lowsec like a Jackal. Basically I'm a frig pilot.
The biggest thing I have heard about me in EVE is that I fly shinny ships and shinny pods. Also not 100% true. The pay to win stereotype is kinda a falsehood based around some fit advice I was given by fellow corp-mates at the time as a noob, and my discovery of the Gistii B hawk. Which back when the 2/10 plexes were active would only cost me about 100mil or so. But now just the booster is 100 mil or so so it seems i am paying a lot for a an Assault frig. Which i am, but normally barring gate camps and stupidity it will usually pay for itself before dying. As for the pods Sure why not. I am a soldier in real life and we use anything that gives us an edge over our enemy. So why not fly with snakes, crystals, blue pills etc. I have read alot on EVE and and nowhere does it say I have to be fair about it. As a matter of fact it kinda says not to be fair about it.
I also have no idea why i am writing a blog, maybe more to get vents and ideas out then really say anything. I could post my days fights or some shit but i get into a lot fights in a day and lets face it, i'll talk about the good ones anyway.
Maybe it's because I found out I am respected by certain pilots within my corp, and it made me feel off. I never condier my self good at this game. Sure I have a decent kill board and top 5500 on BC. But I dont consider my self good or even among the ranks of the good pilots in eve, or my personal e-heroes, Like Muira Bull, Ava Starfire, Tawa Soyo, Sulelman Shouaa., all of which i have flown with or against at one point in time and am happier for the experience. But to be looked up to? Am I ready for that? i'm still looking up myself. I was int he Tuskers for about a month and asked about that a lot. I enjoyed my time in the Tuskers but the truth of it is I felt i wasn't up to their standards and always in the the back of my mind I wished I was back in R1FTA.
Well that looks like a good start so maybe more next time .
Welcome to the Blog world mate o7